Services And Modalities

  • I often refer to "cognitive distortions". This is based on a form of psychotherapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy (cbt) which is designed to treat problems and boost happiness by modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. An example might be "I am never happy".
    Cognitive Distortions
  • Or Simply Share A Cup Of Cacao With Me
    Talk Therapy
  • be the educated adult is an educational program focused on the mental health risks that come with smartphones and interactive devices. check out what we are currently doing to help middle school students!
    Be The Educated Adult
  • Learn to not be overly reactive by what’s going on.
    Mindfulness Training
  • my research entitled "applying the circumplex model to adoptive family systems" highlights the differences between traditional family structures and adoptive family structure. today, i incorporate dr. olsen's model into my work with pre-adoption couples and the adoption triad.
    Adoption Readiness
  • Ketamine is a pathway to accessing a non-ordinary state of consciousness that can cause a disruption from unhelpful thoughts and patterns of being.
    Find Beauty In Your Layers
  • as a parent, i've had to effectively advocate for my kiddos in response to psycho-educational results and i know it can be emotional, intimidating and intense. it is critical to keep the momentum going and to have an action plan.
    Child And Adolescent Advocacy
  • Navigating Life
  • hypnotherapy is an intentional trance state. it is meant to turn down the volume of your conscious and analytical mind, allowing you to hear your deeper thoughts, ideas, wisdom, and sometimes the true voice of the resistant or stubborn part of you that conflicts with your conscious agenda.
  • with a focus on communication blockers, I work to identify and overcome obstacles that impede effective communication, utilizing cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to address and dismantle these barriers. Through targeted interventions, I empower individuals and systems to enhance communication skills and foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
    Unlock The Block
  • the prepare/enrich assessment and program can help you and your partner to identify areas that might become a bit more challenging as your relationship matures. it is scientifically developed to help couples stimulate honest, open dialogue about some of the hardest to discuss subjects.
    Couples Counseling
  • emdr is a psychotherapy modality that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. emdr therapy involves attention to three time periods: the past, present, and future.
  • evidenced-based assessments are used to guide couples through the emotions of marriage and/ or parenting by empowering couples with insight into communication styles, parenting style, family dynamics, cohabitation issues and more.
    Marriage "Health Check"
  • Transpersonal Psychotherapy