Adolescence is a unique developmental period and is the transition between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is a period of reconstruction marked by significant biological, cognitive, social, and emotional changes in individuals (Ogden & Hagen, 2019; Wulandari et al., 2018)
. Changes in physical, sexual, social, and psychological development occur, at the same time, and exposure to external conditions such as poverty, abuse, or violence, can pose a risk to youth health and mental well- being
. The population of adolescents in the world has reached 1.2 billion people, or in other words about 1 in 6 of the population are. teenagers (WHO, 2018) and about 16 per cent of the total adolescent population has problems with mental health conditions.  Depression is one of the mental health problems that often occur and the leading cause of illness and disability in adolescents (WHO, 2019).