Study links restricting screen time for kids to higher mental performance

Study links restricting screen time for kids to higher mental performance

Parents who possess the resolve to separate their children from their smartphones may be helping their kids’ brainpower, a new study suggests. Children who use smartphones and other devices in their free time for less than two hours a day performed better on cognitive tests assessing their thinking, language […]


Worry about what screens are doing to your young child’s brain? Here’s help.

Worry about what screens are doing to your young child’s brain? Here’s help.

When I talk with parents these days, they often say that their children’s lives are very different from what their own childhoods were like. Frequently, they name technology as the single biggest change in their kids’ lives—and in their own lives, too. Many parents go on to […]


Cellphones in classrooms contribute to failing grades: Study

Cellphones in classrooms contribute to failing grades: Study

Cellphones and laptops can be distracting for students in classrooms, and new research also shows that using electronic devices can even lower students’ grades. Scientists who studied the effects of divided attention in people know that when attention is divided between two tasks, fewer items regarding those tasks may […]


With teen mental health deteriorating over five years, there’s a likely culprit

Around 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens. In just the five years between 2010 and 2015, the number of U.S. teens who felt useless and joyless – classic symptoms of depression – surged 33 percent in large national surveys. Teen suicide attempts increased 23 percent. […]


Understanding Test Scores – MAP CMAS COGAT & more

Understanding Test Scores - MAP CMAS COGAT & more

Understanding Test Scores – MAP CMAS COGAT & more

Test scores can provide an indication of how your student is performing at a particular school.  But they don’t tell you the whole story and can be very confusing.

Is my child at grade level?

I found Colorado’s easy to use Online Standards system can help families to quickly find ‘standards’ as it relates to grade level subjects.

How can I navigate the CogAT?

In my experience, there are two areas families struggle with as it relates t the CogAT

  1. How to read it
  2. What to do with it

I found the links below to be helpful, they might also help you as you try to understand current performance and academic potential.

  • MAP Scores – Determine if your student is Below Grade Level, At Grade Level or Above Grade Level
  • MAP and RIT Scores – This California School District has an awesome tool if you want to really delve into your student’s RIT score


How your district is doing – according to Co Department of Education

How your school is doing – according to Co Department of Education



Keeping your smartphone nearby may not be so smart

Keeping your smartphone nearby may not be so smart

Researchers publishing in the April 2017 edition of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research describe a series of experiments in which 520 college students performed tasks requiring focus, attention, and novel problem-solving skills. Some were asked to leave their smartphones in another room. Others were allowed to keep them where they usually do (such as in their pocket or purse). A third group was asked to set their phones on the desk next to them.


Wait Until 8th

Wait Until 8th

Did you know that the average age a child gets a smartphone is 10 years old?

Children are spending between 6 and 9 hours a day on media?

Childhood is changing, and the negative impact of smart phones is hitting kids hard.

I have good news for you though.  There is a wonderful resource to help parents delay the smartphone and give their children more time smartphone free. Click here fore the parent packet!

The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least 8th grade. By banding together, this will decrease the pressure felt by kids and parents alike over the kids having a smartphone.

Please note that this pledge is for smartphones only! If you would like your child to have a basic phone that just calls and texts, you still can sign the pledge! The basic phone avoids many of the distractions and dangers of the smartphone.

A pledge becomes “active” once 10 or more families from a grade at a school sign. The organizers designed the pledge this way so you don’t have to fear “what if I am the only parent that signs this in my kid’s grade.” This takes the pressure off because the pledge only kicks in once at least 10 families sign from your grade.

To learn more, please visit .

Close to 10,000 families from all 50 states have said yes to waiting for the smartphone. Will you join us? Childhood is too short to waste on a smartphone. Let’s let kids be kids a little longer. Take the pledge at


U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015 | Pew Research Center

Younger smartphone owners tend to experience a wider range of emotions vis-à-vis their phone compared with older users — from positive ones like “happy” or “grateful,” to more negative feelings like “distracted” and “angry.”
